Determined to be Legendary

Darren “Jun” Buchanan is a 6’7” student athlete from the District of Columbia. Darren is a proud 2022 alum of Woodrow Wilson High School , now known as Jackson-Reed High School. Jun’s motivation for playing sports has always been his desire to support his family and to honor his friends who have passed away. Because of Covid 19’s impact on Jun’s high school basketball career as a Woodrow Wilson Tiger, he had an intensified mentality during his senior season . He was hungry. He sought to be more. He longed to be LEGENDARY. Buchanan loved family deeply and competed fiercely . He wanted to leave a definitive mark that nobody could trample over. In this photo series, we will understand what it means to be legendary from this Tenleytown Tiger, Darren “Jun” Buchanan.

In 2022, I spent six months with Darren covering his life in school, with family, and on the court. From the moment I met him, I noticed something unique about him. Darren’s passion for people and basketball bled out before, during, and after he played the game. Jun’s love for sports not only intrigued me, but resonated with the way I treated photography at that specific time. Photography was the the only outlet bringing me genuine joy. Every time I dove deeper into this project, the imagery filled me with hope for my future as a photojournalist. I was eager to continue to see how Darren’s passion for hoops would translate to other areas of his life. I noticed that Darren’s characteristics were consistent between sports and family. In both environments, he demonstrated leadership and modeled loyalty. He never wanted to disappoint his team or his family, so he committed his heart to both equally.

Through his hard work, he stamped his high school career having acquired the 2022 D.C. Gatorade player of the Year, the 2022 All Met Player of the Year and the DCIAA conference championship. Winning The DCSAA State Championship was Darren’s final high school accomplishment, unfortunately this milestone slipped through his fingertips. The exhilaration of the noted accolades matched the agony of this defeat. While his high school career has come to a close, his desire to be Legendary continues as he embarks on his college career George Washington University.